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7 Mountains
Bald Eagle State Forest

  • It was a relatively new experience going up and down hills!

    • It was a relatively new experience going up and down hills!
  • The trails heading down valleys always had streams next to them.

    • The trails heading down valleys always had streams next to them.
  • This is actually very rocky.  A lot of first and second gear stuff.

    • This is actually very rocky. A lot of first and second gear stuff.
  • We sat on the community hall's stoop for a good hour and ate our snacks purchased at the gas station across the street.

    • We sat on the community hall's stoop for a good hour and ate our snacks purchased at the gas station across the street.
  • I did not make it up this hill without all three of us pushing.

    • I did not make it up this hill without all three of us pushing.
  • Too heavy, geared to tall, and not enough skills.

    • Too heavy, geared to tall, and not enough skills.